Latest from the Head Master’s Desk : 2 October 2015

The Head Master’s speech at the Launch of the 150th Celebrations on Thursday 1 October …
Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen.  It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the launch of our 150th Celebrations that we will celebrate in 2016. I want to extend a warm and sincere welcome to our Special Guest, Chairman of the Trust and Old Boy, Mr Chris Seabrooke.  Welcome Mr Seabrooke!
I also want to extend that welcome to all our other guests and that includes:

  • Representatives from the Mayor’s office and the Education Department
  • Past and present Trustees of the DHS Foundation
  • The CEO and other members of the Foundation
  • Our Major Donors
  • Past and present members of the Governing Body
  • Past Head Masters
  • The Chairman of our 150th Steering Committee
  • My colleagues and Heads of the various Schools here this evening
  • Representatives of KZN Cricket and Rugby Unions
  • The Governing Body Foundation
  • Old Boys and representatives of our Old Boys’ Committees
  • Mothers’ Committee members
  • Sponsors
  • Members of the press
  • Ex members of staff
  • And then to my other special guests of the evening:  My Deputies, Senior Management, Staff and Boys 

From humble beginnings in Mansion House in Smith Street on 1 June 1866 DHS endured the turmoil of a South African War and two World Wars.  It was also there when the country celebrated the forming of a Union in 1910 and a Republic in 1961.  It was also one of the first schools in the country to open its doors to all races in the early 1990’s.  We also shared in the exuberance following the birth of a New and Democratic South Africa.  Ladies and Gentlemen, this school is built on foundations of Loyalty, Trust, Pride, Honour and Courage and that is why I believe we have been able to survive and prosper the last 150 years.
DHS is now a fully transformed, multi cultural school that nurtures, prepares and equips boys to not only contribute significantly to the New South Africa, but we are providing the country with the type of leaders that will take this great country of ours to even greater heights.  Our future lies in the hands of boys that come from schools like DHS and it is imperative that we, as a public school, continue to be a beacon of hope and a centre of excellence. 
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am truly honoured and humbled to be the Head Master of this great School.  My predecessors in 1966 when we celebrated our Centenary Year and in 1991 when we turned 125 celebrated those milestones with only a small section of the population.  In 2016 all the people of Durban and beyond will now be rejoicing in our latest milestone.  What a fantastic feeling!
In 2016 we will be hosting various Festivals, Tournaments and other Functions but I am most excited about the new developments that will include a new Maths andScience Centre and a new Music Centre, to name only two.  We owe it to all those who have come before us and those who will be here long after we have passed to continue with the legacy and the important traditions that have been formed and built up over the last 149 years.  We will continue to evolve but we must also continue to develop young men of good character.
Young men who will be passionate about DHS just like the older Old Boys who still remember what this great school has done for them.
In conclusion, I want to again welcome you to not only the oldest school in Durban, but in my opinion, and I am biased, the best school in the country.  Please enjoy the rest of the evening with us and you are all most welcome to attend any of our festivities next year.

Leon Erasmus

14th Head Master

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