We are at the moment busy with our 150th Cultural Week which started last Friday with a Comedy Evening. This was followed by the House Plays on Tuesday, “Music thru the School” on Wednesday (which was highly entertaining with both boys and staff showing off their music talents), “The Boys are back in Town” on Friday and another evening with local Stand-up Comedians on Saturday evening. DHS has always done well in the cultural part of the school and this week was no exception.
We have 20 school days left until the June Examinations and it is very important that the boys realise the importance of this exam. I have spoken to the staff and the boys about this and it is now up to the parents to get the same message across to their sons.
On the sporting front we have fixtures against Glenwood this weekend. We are playing them twice this year. The 1st and 2nd Rugby teams are not playing against them this time around because of Glenwood’s trip to Japan. However, the 1st XV will be playing against Voortrekker on Friday evening. The reports I received about our performance against Grey High School on Monday were very encouraging. We lost 7–16 but I was told that we dominated large parts of the encounter with both teams only scoring one try each. Grey is one of the top teams in the country and we have proved that we belong in this company. The 1st Hockey side showed a lot of fight and pride on the astro against Clifton in their last match and I have no doubt they will continue to grow as a team. I want to wish them well for the match against Glenwood.
We had a memorial service this week for a youngster who passed away here at DHS in 2013. It was incredible to see what impact Madondile Maveleliso had on the lives of both boys and staff at the school in the year and three months he spent at DHS. Madoda, as he was called, arrived at DHS from Port Elizabeth in Grade 8 in 2012. He was, according to those who knew, him a fantastic young man and a very talented Rugby player.
A Governing Body By Election was held in April and two new parent members were elected to the Committee. They are Mr Russell Hulett and Mr Noel Stapleveldt. Congratulations to both these gentlemen, we look forward to your input.
I want to wish all our Mothers a wonderful Mothers’ Day on Sunday.
Leon Erasmus
14th Head Master