2017 Leaders Announced!

Matthew Henley (Deputy), Phendulani Buthelezi (Head Prefect), Thomas Kempen (Deputy)
Matthew Henley (Deputy), Phendulani Buthelezi (Head Prefect), Thomas Kempen (Deputy)

Leading Durban High School in 2017!
In a special assembly in the DC Thompson School hall at Durban High School on October 11, the school’s Prefect Body and RCL for 2017 was announced.
The much anticipated announcement of the Leadership Assembly was that of the Head Boy and Deputy Prefects for 2017.
Head Boy of Durban High School for 2017 is Phendulani Buthelezi who will be assisted by his deputies Matthew Henley and Thomas Kempen.
Prefects for 2017 are as follows:
Sarfaraaz Adham, Sean Barnes, Jaydon Beru, Luthando Buthelezi, Ashvir Debba, Blake Elliot, Kamvelihle Fatyela, Liam Green, Gareth Jackman, Nischay Jairaj, Onke Jiba, Luthando Jojo, Seth Kidgell, Michael Kyprou, Rylan Naicker, Kribashan Naidoo, Tonderai Ndudzo, Sandile Nduzi, Calvin Newton, Sanele Nohamba, Cham Zondeki
Blackmore House Prefects were announced and are as follows:
Sean Barnes, Luthando Buthelezi, Phendulani Buthelezi, Khamvelihle Fatyela, Onke Jiba, Luthando Jojo, Thomas Kempen, Tonderai Ndudzo, Sandile Nduzi, Sanele Nohamba
The RCL for 2017 are as follows:
Grade 12 Reps: Ashvir Debba, Phendulani Buthelezi, Thomas Kempen, Liam Green
Grade 11 Reps: Zak Adam, Jeeva Sooriah
Grade 10 Reps: Rogan Green, Taine Owen
Grade 9 Reps: Grant Khuzwayo, Mohamed Adam
School Reps: Katleho Ncala, Matthew Henley, Lungelo Mkhize, Senzo Lanagazane, Tonerai Ndudzo, Luthando Jojo, Sandile Nduzi, Ethan Mack, Donovan Adams, Jaydon Beru, Khamvelihle Fatyela, Ntando Mthembu, Dasheill Naicker, Mvelo Novoh, Samkelo Ntetha
Described as an “emotional time” by the current leaders and Head Prefect, Mvumeleni Mathenjwa, who have served and led the learners in the 150th celebrations, the event called for a great round of applause for the new leaders who pledged that with the learners’ help, they would lead “School” with integrity, respect and honour.
The role of the Prefect body and Representative Council of Learners (RCL) is to safeguard their fellow learners, uphold and maintain traditions amongst the learners of DHS and act as role models and ambassadors. Head Master Leon Erasmus addressed the learners and drew upon information presented in an article by Barbara White on Seven Qualities of a Good Leader. He quoted, “A good leader has an exemplary character. It is of utmost importance that a leader is trustworthy to lead others … A good leader is enthusiastic about their work or cause and also about their role as leader … A good leader is confident … A leader also needs to function in an orderly and purposeful manner in situations of uncertainty … Good leaders are tolerant of ambiguity and remain calm, composed and steadfast to the main purpose … A good leader is committed to excellence and I have no doubt that those who are selected today have these characteristics and will lead a successful year as done by the 2016 leaders and those before them.”
Congratulations to all these young men who have taken their first step in becoming future leaders!

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