Matric Final Assembly

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Last Friday Durban High School held a special Final Assembly for our Matrics, the Class of 2016.
A solemn and grand affair, with the audience standing for the Matrics as they quietly, very quietly, filed into the hall. Mr Owen, the Chairman of the Governing Body, addressed the Matrics and each boy was then awarded with a final certificate from his class tutor.  The Class representatives rang the school bell for each class to mark the end of their watch at the Durban High School.
Head Master, Mr Erasmus, addressed the Matrics, and finally, Head Prefect, Mvumeleni Mathenjwa performed his last official function as he bid farewell and handed over the reins to 2017 Head Prefect, Phendulani Buthelezi.
After the formalities were completed, the war cry was performed with passion and fervour … a number of times … before the entire school stood and clapped as the Matrics filed out of the School Hall and out of their tenure as school boys of the Durban High School.
A number of boys then jumped into the school pool as a fun ending to the morning.
Good luck to the Class of 2016 for their exams and for their futures … we will miss you!

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