Junior Academic Awards Ceremony

Guest Speaker, Mr Louis Arde presents Muhummad Moosa, 1st in Grade 11, with his prizes
Guest Speaker, Mr Louis Arde presents Muhummad Moosa, 1st in Grade 11, with his prizes

Annually, in February, we celebrate Junior Prize giving. This is a bit of a misnomer because we celebrate all the top academic achievements for Grades 8 to 11 from the previous year … there is nothing junior about this.
It is tradition that the guest speakers at the ceremony are Old Boys and this year was no different – Mr Louis Ardé, DHS Old Boy, former Headmaster of Glenwood Prep and currently CEO of the DHS Foundation Trust, was our guest speaker. His message as an inspiration for all who were at the function. “Use your education to the fullest extent. Use it to the value of others’ lives,” was one of the quotes he used in his speech which referred to Denis Goldberg, a South African social campaigner, who was active in the struggle against apartheid. He also encouraged our boys to work hard and be proud representatives of our School.
Mr Bodasing was the compere and managed the Prize Giving with his usual aplomb! We were entertained with musical items by the Mambazo Singers, who are always a big hit especially when they demonstrate their “moves”. The new Jazz ensemble performed “Sugar”, which was also a great hit.
When all the aspects of the day are reflected on, one can only say a big thank you to the Prefects for their assistance; a special thank you to Mrs Vermaak who co-ordinated and oversaw all the facets which go hand in hand with a successful speech day; and of course a thank you to our top academic learners who never disappoint us.
The Top 3 in Grade and Subject Prizes for November 2016:
Muhummad Moosa:
First in Grade 11, Accounting (The PricewaterhouseCoopers Award), Life Orientation, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, UKZN Outstanding Achievement Award for Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Certificate of Merit
Ashvir Debba:
Second in Grade 11, Afrikaans First Additional Language, English Home Language, Engineering Graphics and Design, Certificate of Merit
Avuyile Madiba:
Third in Grade 11, Economics (The PricewaterhouseCoopers Award), Certificate of Merit
Top 3 in Grade 11 - Avuyile Madiba, Muhummad Moosa, Ashvir Debba
Top 3 in Grade 11 – Avuyile Madiba, Muhummad Moosa, Ashvir Debba

Neeven Naidoo:
First in Grade 10, Engineering Graphics and Design, Life Orientation, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Certificate of Merit
Santhiran Pillay:
Second in Grade 10, Certificate of Merit
Mahil Dessai:
Third in Grade 10, Physical Sciences, Certificate of Merit
Anas Moola:
Third in Grade 10, Certificate of Merit
Top 3 in Grade 10 - Mahil Dessai, Anas Moola, Neeven Naidoo, Santhiran Pillay
Top 3 in Grade 10 – Mahil Dessai, Anas Moola, Neeven Naidoo, Santhiran Pillay

Mohammed Shaikjee:
First in Grade 9, Afrikaans First Additional Language, Creative Arts, English Home Language, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Certificate of Merit
Rashae Govender:
Second in Grade 9, Economic Management Sciences, Mathematics (Trevor Wadley Prize), Certificate of Merit
Connor Mack:
Third in Grade 9, Life Orientation, Technology, Certificate of Merit
Top 3 in Grade 9 - Connor Mack, Mohammed Shaikjee, Rashae Govender
Top 3 in Grade 9 – Connor Mack, Mohammed Shaikjee, Rashae Govender

Adam Mohamad:
First in Grade 8, Economic Management Sciences, English Home Language, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Technology, Certificate of Merit
Mas’ood Bassa:
Second in Grade 8, Life Orientation, Mathematics, Certificate of Merit
Shivon Mackerdhuj:
Third in Grade 8, Certificate of Merit
Top 3 in Grade 8 - Shivon Mackerdhuj, Mas’ood Bassa, (Adam Mohamad was away due to sport commitments)
Top 3 in Grade 8 – Shivon Mackerdhuj, Mas’ood Bassa, (Adam Mohamad was away due to sport commitments)

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