Opening of The Victor Daitz Mathematics & Science Centre

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The exciting transformation of the existing Science Block into The Victor Daitz Mathematics & Science Centre concluded on Wednesday, 22 February 2017 with the official opening ceremony taking place. This magnificent upgrade cost R6.6m and has been sponsored by very generous donations of R5.1m from The Victor Daitz Foundation and R1.5m from The DHS Foundation Trust.
The order of proceedings included an address by Mr Louis Ardé (CEO of The DHS Foundation Trust), Mr Winston Owen (Chairman of the DHS Governing Body), Phendulani Buthelezi (Head Prefect of DHS), as well as one by the special guest, Mr Sam Abrahams, Chairman of The Victor Daitz Foundation.
As the guest speaker and Chairman of the Daitz Foundation, Mr Abrahams was responsible for the cutting of the ribbon to mark the official opening of the centre. He was accompanied by his fellow trustee members, David Levin, David Simpson, Arnold Zulman and Brian Moshal, all of whom are DHS Old Boys.
Mr Abrahams is a very experienced professional. He was formerly an international partner and South African managing partner of Arthur Andersen, current Chairman of Investec Securities (Pty) Ltd and holds a number of other prestigious titles. As a Durban High School Old Boy he was delighted to be able to assist in providing a facility that will allow for Mathematics and Science to flourish and thereby make another contribution towards fulfilling the wish of Mr Victor Daitz himself.
Mr Alan Norton (Acting Head Master of Durban High School) and Mr Mike Fennell (outgoing CEO of The DHS Foundation Trust) thanked all those that attended and said they looked forward to maintaining Durban High School as one of the leading schools in the country.
The Staff and Boys of Durban High School are delighted with this magnificent facility and are excited to start making full use of it.  Our very grateful thanks to The Victor Daitz Foundation and to The DHS Foundation Trust.

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