I had two interesting groups of people who met with me this week.
On Monday 6 March, Sudhaker and Vyasa Dass come to see me about Mr A Parthasarathy, an internationally acclaimed philosopher, making use of our hall on Sunday 6 August. All three of the Dass brothers attended Durban High School. Sudhaker and Vyasa are presently based at the Vedanta Academy situated in the Malavli Hills, 108 kilometers from Mumbai. Both are intelligent young men who now lecture and present workshops to corporate management teams.
On Thursday 9 March, Dr Mataboge and Mr Bhana from the Department of Basic Education in Pretoria visited the school to undertake a monitoring and oversight role on the functionality of certain areas of the school. It is pleasing to see that monitoring is taking place and that mechanisms are in place to assist schools in improving and achieving their set goals.
The school is in the middle of the standardised test programme, with many more still be written before the end of the term. I encourage learners and parents to be fully aware of the test programme and that learners need to ensure they manage their time effectively and achieve the best possible results.
We host Northwood on Saturday for the first winter sports fixtures. I wish all our coaches, staff and learners all the best.
We look forward to playing Hilton College next weekend when the 1st XV will play as a curtain raiser at Kings Park before the Sharks game.
Alan Norton
Acting Head Master