Mother’s Day

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With Mother’s Day being celebrated on Sunday we thought our wonderful Moms deserved a little spoiling so, when they dropped their boys off at School this morning, our Prefects presented them with a card and a little chocolate and wished them Happy Mother’s Day.
A delightful surprise that brought smiles to their faces … even the Moms in their dressing gowns.
More smiles were evident at break as the male staff members of DHS did a little spoiling of their own … they had arranged a luncheon for the lady staff members to thank them for all the mothering they do for the boys of DHS.
Thank you to all our Boys, big and small for the spoils.  A very warm thank you to our new Head Master’s wife, Mrs Colleen Pinheiro, who made chocolates and goodies for the lady staff members. Thank you, Mrs Pinheiro!
And thank you to all our “Moms” … we wish you all a Happy Mother’s Day!

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