Founders Birthday Celebrations!

The Prefects lead the War Cry at Founders Assembly
The Prefects lead the War Cry at Founders Assembly

Durban High School enjoyed a week of successful celebrations to mark its 151st birthday.  While quieter than last year’s 150th celebrations, they were certainly memorable.
On Wednesday 31 May, Head Master Mr A D Pinheiro, accompanied by the Head Prefects, had tea with the DHS Old Boys and wives and mothers of Old Boys that reside at Caister Lodge.  Mr Basil Williams, one of our oldest Old Boys who turns 94 in September, was responsible for rounding them all up. A lovely morning spent reminiscing and eating cream scones was had by all.
Friday morning, 2 June, saw the now familiar Founders Day Assembly which is held to honour the Old Boys of DHS.  They are all invited to attend and join the staff for tea after the ceremony. This year, respect was paid to the School’s longest serving staff member, Mr A J ‘Tony’ Human, who holds a special place in the hearts of many Old Boys. The Chairman of the Governing Body, Mr Winston Owen, spoke of the role that Mr Human had played at the School and presented him with a gift from the GB of a specially made tie pin to commemorate his 50+ years of service to the School.  Mr Trevor Bennison, the 12th Head Master, paid tribute to “AJ”, calling him a true legend at DHS.  Mr Human, who joined DHS in 1965, was present at the Centenary celebrations in 1966, at the 125th celebrations in 1990 and at the 150th celebrations in 2016 … a legend indeed.  Mr Human then addressed the audience, sharing anecdotes and memories of his years at School.  Head Master, Mr Pinheiro, together with Head Prefect Phendulani Buthelezi, presented to Mr Human a gift of a copy of his portrait which hangs in the AJ Human Room. A memento to adorn the walls of his office.
The DHS Choir entertained, the audience, singing two songs, and the 1st XI Hockey and 1st XV Rugby teams playing vs Westville were announced. Old Boy, Bruce Gore (Class of 1988), spoke to the boys, encouraging them to perform to their potential, saying they had the backing of all the Old Boys. The ceremony ended with the boys of DHS performing the War Cry with the Old Boys, always a moving occasion for all involved.
While all the boys and staff received a piece of birthday cake, tea was served for the visitors in the AJ Human Room, where an exhibition paying homage to Mr Human was on display.  A very grateful thank you to Mrs Debbie Green for creating this beautiful tribute.
The DHS Foundation Old Boys Golf Day was also held on Friday, at the Durban Country Club. The weather was stunning and a thoroughly enjoyable day was had by all.  Thank you to BBF Security for sponsoring the day and well done to the winners of the 4 Ball Alliance:  Calvin McGregor, Allen Lockyear, Barry Coskey and Gary Shea.
Friday ended with the DHS Foundation Old Boys Dinner.  This year it was held in the DC Thompson Hall at School and was attended by a number of Old Boys, most of them celebrating their milestone reunions.  The class of 2007 was well represented.  Mr AJ Human was the Guest of Honour and addressed the Old Boys, as did Head Master Mr Pinheiro and CEO of the Foundation, Mr Louis Ardé.  Entertainment was provided by well-known comedian, Mel Miller.  Mr Human was presented with a Lifetime of Service award by Mr Pinheiro.
The birthday celebrations culminated in Founders Day on Saturday 3 June, with sport fixtures being played against Westville Boys’ High School.  Mr Human was once again Guest of Honour, and he was acknowledged in the programme.
Unfortunately, the Rugby did not go our way and the 1st XV lost by 1 point to Westville, 25-24.  However, the positives of a hugely successful season for the Horseflies, who played a fantastic brand of rugby, outshone the final fixture disappointment.
The day ended with the traditional Sundowners Cocktail Function in Founders, which was well attended and enjoyed by the crowds of supporters who had come along to support the School and enjoy the day.
Thank you to our parents for providing the delicious eats for tea and to Mrs Louisa Whitfield and her Mothers’ Committee for all their hard work for the day … the beautiful flowers, organizing and serving teas, and their warm and welcoming natures.
Thank you to the Staff of Durban High School and the Founders Day Committee for all their efforts in preparing for the celebrations and their hard work on the day.
Happy Birthday, Durban High School!
Head Master, Mr Pinheiro, and Head Prefect, Phendulani Buthelezi, present the gift to Mr Human
Head Master, Mr Pinheiro, and Head Prefect, Phendulani Buthelezi, present the gift to Mr Human

Mr Human shares his memories with the audience at Founders Day Assembly
Mr Human shares his memories with the audience at Founders Day Assembly

mini-Founders Day (10) mini-Founders Day (6) mini-Founders Day (2)
Captain of the 1st XV, Phendulani Buthelezi, leads the team onto the field.
Captain of the 1st XV, Phendulani Buthelezi, leads the team onto the field.

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