DHS Boys Shine at Euro Soccer School!

Football in Italy
Football in Italy

On 7 July during the July holidays, Jazmin Stapelfeldt and Lianda Ngcobo (from Blackmore House) and Simbarashe Sibanda (day boy) set off on the long journey to Italy; a 14 hour travel which felt like a lifetime for the footballers.
Jazmin, Lianda and Simbarashe ventured to Italy for football trials in Vicenza, Italy. They embarked on this journey with a club by the name of Euro Soccer School (ESS). The trials were held over five days, Monday to Thursday, with training twice a day, and game day on the weekend. The training sessions were packed with high tension and intense drills. The drills that they performed worked on their football IQ, passing, ball control, vision and much more. When training was over, depending on the session they had, the days were filled with Italian foods like pasta and pizza and a lot of water due to the diet requirements.
On their day off, the boys travelled to Venice and toured around ‘the City of Water.’ This was a dream come true for them and even the Italian parents that accompanied them were thrilled to join them. It was a life changing experience for the boys, travelling and enjoying these wonderful opportunities. It was an absolutely incredible day for them!
On Sunday, they had to say their final goodbyes. The boys were sad to leave Italy as they had made new friends, met new families, learnt some of the Italian language and generally had a wonderful experience, including meeting their little buddy by the name of Massimo. Massimo was a little eight year old boy who had come to Italy from Venezuela mother, Irene. They spoke Italian and Spanish.
The boys flight to Dubai was six hours where they had such a long wait that their team had to stay in a hotel for a couple of hours. After experiencing some of Dubai, they flew on back to South Africa. The trip was an experience that the boys will never forget.
On their arrival back to South Africa, they were met with the wonderful news that Jazmin Stapelfeldt had made the trials and been selected to return to Italy next year to play for the team.
Well done to Jazmin, you have really made us proud!
Jazmin Stapelfeldt
Jazmin Stapelfeldt

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