Community Service @ DHS


During the July holidays about 18 DHS boys, ranging from Grade 8 to 12, participated in a Mandela Month Project at the Gozololo Centre for Children in Kwa–Mashu Township as part of their community service.
This project was in association with the East Coast Radio Big Favour, BBF Safety Group, Beier Industries, Defy and Debonairs Pizza.
The Gozololo Centre for Children was badly damaged by a fire and was in urgent need of renovation. Our boys, together with the other companies mentioned, spent two days at the Centre cleaning, painting and building a vegetable garden.
We are so proud to have been a part of this great initiative and we look forward to continued involvement with the Gozololo Centre for Children.
Thank you to the boys and staff for giving up a couple of days of their holiday for this worthy cause. And thank you to Chairman of our SGB, Mr Owen for involving our boys in this project.
Another project took place during the July holidays in which boys gave of their time to serve the community.
The project was called “Urban Ignition” and was done in conjunction with Vineyard church. The project took place over three days in which members of the public including 30 of our boys from DHS participated in helping the Bill Buchanan Old Age Home in Morningside, Sibonginhlanhla Children’s Home in Waterloo and Summerhill Children’s Home.
The activities ranged from painting, gardening, opening a holiday clinic, and interacting with the people. Our boys made a difference in the lives of the poor, including children and the elderly.
The DHS representation in this programme was the second highest out of all the schools that participated. Well done boys!
We are not just a school , we are not just learners, we can make a difference,  one community, one South Africa.
Ms G Joshua
Community Service Co-Ordinator

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