DHS Rowing Club

Rowing September (7)

Last week the DHS boys, along with juniors from the Durban Rowing Club, were able to showcase their talents for the Durban Port Festival which was held on the Saturday and Sunday.
The boys skilfully braced the very choppy water to get in a good training session, while on display.

The DHS boys involved were Londa Zungu, Luyanda Koboka, and Awande Ndlovu, all in Grade 9.
Then on Sunday the Rowing boys had an interesting practice ….
The water was stunning and smooth, allowing us to take out a coaxed quad, (5 boys, Setjhaba Mathuse, Caillin Mathys, Luyolo Dlamini, Danken Ellis and Lifah Mhlongo) as well as a double (2 boys, Luyanda Koboka, Awande Ndlovu).
Londa Zungu was also able to get Azhar Karolia started by training him in a single skull. By the end of practice both boys were shooting up and down the channel enthusiastically.
Rowing September (2)Rowing September (5)Rowing September (6)Rowing September (8)Rowing September (3)Rowing September (4)

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