Matric Final Assembly

Matric Final Assembly
Matric Final Assembly

The Matric Final Assembly on Friday 13 October saw the entire school bid farewell to the Class of 2017 who were leaving to go on study leave prior to their final exams which begin on 24 October.
Head Master, Mr A D Pinheiro, handed each learner a certificate to mark their last assembly at DHS, and each class captain had their turn to ring the school bell as a symbol that their time at DHS had come to an end.
Phendulani Buthelezi, the Durban High School Head Prefect for 2017, concluded the ceremony by ringing the school bell 8 times, signifying the change of the watch to the Grade 11 learners as the Matrics took their official leave.
This tradition derives from the 1700s when the watch on the ships of the Royal Navy were changed every 4 hours. A young lad would have the task of turning the half-hour glass each time it emptied and he would strike the ship’s bell at the same time, until 8 bells were tolled, and the sailors would then change shifts.
Before ringing the bell, Head Prefect Phendulani Buthelezi, took to the podium to address his fellow classmates, parents, staff and teachers for the final time before handing over the Head Prefect role for 2018, to Zakariya Adam.
To end off the event, Phendulani Buthelezi and his deputies, Matthew Henley and Thomas Kempen, led the school in the school song – a joyous and memorable occasion for all.
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