On Monday 30 November a special assembly was held to announce the Mentors for 2018.
One of the Mentors from 2017, Enrique Schnetler, spoke at the assembly and he had this to say about being a mentor:
“Before I begin I would like to let everyone know what a mentor is. It is an experienced person in an educational institution who trains and counsels new students.
I strongly believe that my fellow Mentors stuck to these values and helped the Grade 8s of 2017 through a very tough year.
Mentorship this year in my opinion was a great success. The mentorship programme officially started for us last year, but we only met our mentees for the first time at the Grade 8 Camp Out, which gave us the opportunity to introduce ourselves to them and allowed us to get to know a bit about them.
Every Wednesday we would meet up with our mentees and discuss the problems or triumphs of their week. These meetings gave us the opportunity to pass on our knowledge and advice.
Every group consisted of 4-7 mentees which was not too overbearing and ensured that our message got across to them all.
I believe that mentorship allowed the mentor to grow as people as well as leaders.
If I could pass on any advice to the mentors of 2018 it would be to keep a cool head and remember that you must treat your mentees as a young brother who is taking the scary transition from Grade 7 to Grade 8 and it is your job to guide and groom them into true DHS boys.
I wish the best of luck to the incoming Mentors … may you be the best mentor you can be.
I would like to end with a quote by Benjamin Disraeli:
“The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but to reveal to him his own.”
Enrique Schnetler
Grade 11”
Head of Leadership, Deputy Head Master Mr R Hellenberg, then shared with the boys the important role that mentors play and the significant input and life changing contribution they can make to one’s life.
Congratulations to the following young men who have been appointed as Mentors for 2018:
Jordan Bryan, Ridwaan Davis, Matthew Delderfield, Kendall Edwards, Rogan Green, Pranav Harichand, Sulaymaan Ismail, Steven Jamarie, Zamokuhle Khuzwayo, Connor Mack, Setjhaba Mathuse, Sibusiso Gift Mpanza, Siyanda Myeni, Shalin Naicker, Kevalin Naidu, Lindumkhosi Ndlovu, Nhlakanipho Nene, Taine Owen, Thirushan Pather, Sanolin Pather, Kyle Pather, Cameron Peach, Joshua Reddy, Jaden Robert, Seluleko Sabela, Mohammed Shaikjee, Amahle Shazi, Mpendulo Sibiya, Vidhan Singh, Loyiso Siyo, Bhongolethu Tembe, Njokweni Xhanti
We wish you wisdom and insight as you guide the Grade 8s into becoming part of the DHS brother hood … be the Mentor you wish you had.