Inter-House Gala

Langley House win Inter-House Gala!
Langley House win Inter-House Gala!

A fiercely contested Inter-House Gala was held this morning … it was so close that the winning house changed from one race to the next and the winner was only know when announced after the final race.
Congratulations to Langley who were the eventual winners!
The final points were as follows:
Langley 73
Campbell 70
Swales 61
Blackmore 56
Payn 52
Grice 19
The points earned at the Gala will be used towards the Cockhouse Inter House Trophy which is won by the House which accumulates the most points at the end of year through participation in Inter House events.
Well done to the staff for their support and for organising the event as well as the swimmers who made the morning a successful and festive one. And thank you to the parents who came along to support.
mini-Inter House Gala (14) mini-Inter House Gala (6) mini-Inter House Gala (3) mini-Inter House Gala (15) mini-Inter House Gala (17)

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