Nene Wins Futurelife Competition!

Nhlakanipho Nene wins R2500.00 in Futurelife competition
Nhlakanipho Nene wins R2500.00 in Futurelife competition

Congratulations to Nhlakanipho Nene, Grade 11, who won R2500,00 for collecting the most Futurelife logos in the Futurelife School’s Nutrition Competition.
It was a complete surprise to Nhlankanipho – he had no idea he had won until it was announced in Assembly. He was so delighted he couldn’t stop smiling!
Nhlankanipho is picture here with the dietitian from Futurelife, Sonal Ratan, who presented him with a giant cheque.
Well done, Nhlankanipho! And thank you, Futurelife!

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