Peter Court in Puppetry – A Performing Arts Elective Workshop

Peter Court Puppetry (3)

This morning during electives we were very privileged to have Peter Court – a master in the puppetry craft – share some of his expertise with us.
He taught the learners about the movement of a puppet, and how to bring this inanimate object to life. The learners also had their own opportunity to make their very own puppet in groups. He tasked them with moving their puppet and negotiating how it would look if it had to dive into a swimming pool and swim. This was a very interesting exercise because the learners had to discover movement, and bring this rolled up and taped piece of paper alive.

This workshop forms part of a week themed ‘Props and Backstage’, puppets forming an integral part of this.
Many thanks to Peter Court for his time this morning.
Kirsten Smith
Performing Arts Elective
Peter Court Puppetry (2) Peter Court Puppetry (1)

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