Electives Corner – Community Engagement

DHS Boys assisting at Bright Eyes
DHS Boys assisting at Bright Eyes

The Electives Programme Community Engagement group has been very busy this term.
We began a partnership with the Bright Eyes Centre for visually impaired children in Bellevue Road, Musgrave. On our first visit on Tuesday 24 April 2018, our boys were taken on a tour of the Centre. The Boys then led the children in some interactive games (focusing on sound and textures), as well as helping around the Centre.
Our Boys now visit the Centre every Tuesday and have shown so much enthusiasm and commitment to ensuring that the time spent with these amazing children is meaningful. The joy it has brought us is immeasurable and we look forward to our continued interaction with them.
The second group of boys involved in the Community Engagement Programme get together on Wednesdays. They were pleased to invite TAFTA (2 May 2018) and Childline (9 May 2018) to give presentations about their organisations, as well as to help us understand community engagement more clearly. Both presentations were very informative and eye-opening. It is important to support these organisations as they support the public and serve an important function in ensuring our rights are protected and that people in need have a place to go.
We look forward to having many other guest speakers as well developing more relationships with other NPO’s to enhance our community as well as uplift those less fortunate than ourselves.
Ms Giselle Joshu
Teacher in Charge of Community Service
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Electives Community Engagement 2

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