Founders Week

mini-DHS Blazer Work

And what a week it was!
It all started on Wednesday last week when the whole School, Boys and Staff, received a piece of birthday cake to celebrate the 152nd Birthday of our wonderful School.  Later on in the morning, Mr Pinheiro and the DHS Choir paid a visit to the Caister Lodge where the Choir entertained the residents, with Hitler playing the piano for them and the Choir singing.  The Boys and Mr P then enjoyed tea and cake with the residents and Old Boys who reside there.
DHS Golf Day
Thursday 31 May saw 152 golfers enjoy a top class DHS Golf Day at the Royal Durban Golf Club. The full field enjoyed ideal weather, an excellent lunch and a prize-giving which, with the legendary 19th hole, combined to ensure an event thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Durban High School and the DHS Foundation Trust would like to thank all the Old Boys who participated, as well as all the companies and individuals who so generously contributed to the success of the day by sponsoring tees, greens and prizes. A special thank you goes to the Title Sponsor, Nolands Auditors, as well as Mervyn Pillay (comedian) and Pat Smyth (MC) for their support of DHS.
A number of items were auctioned at the prize giving as fund raisers. Well done to Mark Lewis (Class of ‘88) who won the bid on the Hartford House 2 night stay, Marc Young (Class of 2004) who won the bid on the Umzolozolo Safari Lodge 2 night stay, Nicholas Robert (Class of 1988) who secured the Kirkman’s Kamp 2 night stay and Kevin Reeves (Class of 1988) who won the bid on the Peter Lawson custom made Surfboard.
Congratulations to the members of the winning Four Ball of the day: Jacques Moolman, Kubashin Govender, Guy Hankinson and John Hankinson.
Winners of the Golf Day!

Winners of the Golf Day!
Winners of the Golf Day!

Thank you to everyone who supported our Golf Day!
Old Boys Assembly
On Friday 1 June we welcomed our Old Boys to the Special Old Boys Assembly. This Founders Day Assembly, introduced in 2013 by 14th Head Master Mr Leon Erasmus, has become an integral part of the Founders Celebrations.  The ceremony, attended by Trustees of the Foundation, Guest of Honour Mr Michael Goss (Class of 1968), invited guests, DHS Staff and Boys, began with readings and prayers by Prefects, followed by an address by Chairman of the Governing Body Mr Paul Spooner (Class of 1982).  CEO of The Foundation Trust Mr Louis Ardé then introduced the Guest of Honour for the weekend, Mr Michael Goss (Class of 1968), who addressed the School and made a huge impact on the young men of DHS who thoroughly enjoyed his message.
The 1st XI Hockey and the 1st XV Rugby teams for the games against Westville Boys’ High School on Saturday were then announced by Head of Hockey, Mr Michael Baker and Head of Rugby, Mr Scott Mathie.
Phendulani Buthelezi, Old Boy and Captain of Rugby and Head Prefect in 2017, addressed the players, the DHS Boys and Old Boys in a stirring and heartfelt talk about finishing strong.
It was a solemn and dignified occasion which ended with the DHS Boys, led by the 1st XV and 1st XI and the War Cry leaders, lifting the roof off the Hall singing the School Song.  When the Brass Band entered the Hall playing “When the Blues go marching in” everyone joined in and the spirit was tangible and fantastic to witness.  The Old Boys then filed out the back of Hall while the whole School clapped and honoured them … an incredibly moving ceremony which everyone, particularly the Old Boys, will long remember.
Horsefly ‘til I die …
The 3 Guest Speakers at the Old Boys Assembly - Paul Spooner, Phendulani Buthelezi and Michael Goss
The 3 Guest Speakers at the Old Boys Assembly – Paul Spooner, Phendulani Buthelezi and Michael Goss

Old Boys Dinner
Later that evening, the Old Boys attended the traditional Old Boys dinner which was held in the DC Thompson School Hall, hosted by the Foundation.  Michael Goss proved again to be an astute guest speaker while Tony Pinheiro, the Head Master, shared his vision for DHS in the future.  After an excellent dinner, the Old Boys were entertained by well-known comedian, Carvin H Goldstone.  A number of Old Boys attended, with a large contingent from 2008 who were celebrating their 10 year reunion with a great deal of fun and laughter … and of course the School Song and war cries.
All in all, a thoroughly enjoyable evening was had by all.
Class of 1968, with Michael Goss on the left
Class of 1968, with Michael Goss on the left

Founders Day
And then there was the grand finale … Founders Day!  Saturday 2 June saw ‘School’ hosting Westville Boys’ for Hockey and Rugby matches.  The day was an eye-opener for the large crowd who attended to see the improvement in School’s Rugby … the U14A, U14B, U15B, U16B and 2nd XV won their fixtures, whilst the 1st XV dug deep to beat Westville’s 1st XV 24-14.  What was particularly pleasing for the DHS Staff and Old Boys in attendance was the impeccable manners of the school boys who supported the various teams, as well as the pristine condition in which the School and its grounds were presented.  The Founders celebrations ended with a cocktail function in the School Hall and the fact that the 1st X had tasted victory for the first time on Founders Day since 2011 certainly impacted on the wonderful positivity that was evident in the after match function.

mini-Final Score

Special mention must also be made of five members of the Class of 1948 who, together with their wives, attended Founders Day:  Arthur Tayfield, Allan Wilkinson, Paul Sneider, Ross Gower and Dr Neville Becker thoroughly enjoyed the occasion and celebrated 70 years since leaving DHS.  Our thanks go to the Classes of 1958, 1968 and 1978 who, at various times during the week, celebrated their relevant milestones related to leaving DHS.
Thank you to staff and parents for their hard work in ensuring that every function ran smoothly. And a sincere and grateful thank you to all who supported our Founders celebrations.
We look forward to next year and the wonderful opportunity that Founders weekend presents for the men of the ‘Blue and Gold’ to get together.
mini-Celimpilo Gumede and WBHS Player  mini-Old Boys at Half Time

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