Project Pegasus

Head Master, Mr Pinheiro, testing the Biometrics system
Head Master, Mr Pinheiro, testing the Biometrics system

As the year draws to a close, so too does Project Pegasus, the ambitious communication and security upgrade which commenced at School at the start of the term. The project has involved a great deal of planning, meetings, behind-the-scenes preparation and two months of onsite installations by a number of workmen. The disruptions to school life and activities, for such a large scale operation, has been minimal, mainly due to the extent of the preparation and organisation, and the cooperation of the Staff and Boys.
Next year all the projects will be fully operational and this is what we have to look forward to:
PABX – A new telephone system has involved the installation of a state of the art switchboard, with new telephones and an automated call directing service which will save time and increase efficiency. Callers are now given the option to dial a number to go straight through to the department they require. In addition, for everyone’s security, all telephone calls will be automatically recorded. We are already enjoying the benefits of this impressive new system.
Intercom – A brand new intercom system has been installed throughout the School, reaching into every single classroom and beyond; we are very pleased with this project as it has been difficult over the past 18 months without one. This project is 90% complete, one switch needs to be cleared by customs before it can be released and installed to finalise the job.
Biometrics – a biometrics system has been installed for efficient registration and timekeeping for the Boys and Staff. Registration, signing in and entering absentees on a computer will now be a thing of the past as, with a simple press of the thumb, the new system will talk to our database and record all attendances. Morning registration will continue to be performed manually so that the boys do not lose that personal contact with their class tutors, however, latecomers, afternoon registration, extra mural practices, sport fixtures and compulsories will be done via the biometrics. Stations can be found at the security hut, in reception, outside the Marketing Department and outside the Staffroom. Portable handsets will be used for extra mural activities.
CCTV Security Cameras – CCTV cameras have been installed in every classroom, in passageways, courtyards and areas throughout the school for the safety and security of all. Security cameras are a major deterrent for theft and, with the introduction of iPads at School next year, the timing of the installation of these cameras is perfect. Installation of new lockers and upgrading of current lockers will also be occurring over the following month.
WiFi, Network and Cabling – all the above projects require WiFi and internet access which necessitated upgrading our network, cabling and server room infrastructure.
Grateful thanks must be extended to our very generous donors, particularly The Victor Daitz Foundation as well as Chris Seabrooke in his personal capacity and via Datatec Limited and Sabvest Ltd, without whom these projects could not have transpired. Thank you to the companies who undertook the projects and worked so well together: Universal Networks, Wavelengths and SAMCOM. Finally, our grateful thanks to our Staff who worked tirelessly to ensure all went smoothly, Mrs Lynne Worth who led the project, Mr Chris Green, Mr Gavin Goodwin, Mr Alan Norton, Mr Gerhardt Aylward and Head Master, Mr AD Pinheiro, whose vision has become a reality.
Over and above these exciting projects, upgrading of the Nonpareil and Cambridge Academy area, due to a huge demand as the number of boys has more than doubled for next year, has begun and the area is being increased to encompass two more classrooms. These will be ready for the start of the school year.
And finally, the conversion of the old Art Block, corner of St Thomas and Essenwood Road, into the new tertiary education campus, NewBridge, has begun and will be ready early in the New Year.
2019 promises to be another incredible year in the life of our School, and with these extraordinary initiatives in place for the start of the year, we look forward to an exciting future.
Deo Fretus!
Sharon Drew
Marketing & Communication
The bank of Biometrics consoles
The bank of Biometrics consoles

Installing the cameras
Installing the cameras

The CCTV cameras
The CCTV cameras

Staff training on the PABX
Staff training on the PABX

Staff being trained for the new telephone system
Staff being trained for the new telephone system

Upgrading of the Nonpareil Cambridge Academy
Upgrading of the Nonpareil Cambridge Academy

New Bridge

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