Electives Programme

The 1st term of 2019 has seen the successful continuation of the Electives Programme, with a number of new subjects being introduced.
In the 2nd term a few more electives will be added, these include an extra Physical Sciences support class for Grade 9s and Yoga classes. We are also looking at introducing an additional ICDL class on a Tuesday next term, however, this requires an additional 20 boys to enrol in order to make it feasible.
The ICDL (International Computer Driving Licence) programmes are for anyone who wishes to become fully competent in the use of a computer and common applications. Computer skills enable people of all ages to understand and use technology to improve their personal and professional lives. It offers a wide range of modules including Computer Essentials, Word Processing and IT Security. The ICDL modules provide a practical programme of up-to-date skills and knowledge areas which are validated by a test.
Read more about it on:
The cost to do the ICDL is R330 to register (a once off fee), R250 per year to facilitate at DHS and a fee of R200 per exam due when each exam is written.
Please would all boys interested in enrolling on this elective, please email Mr B Adam on bryan.adam@durbanhigschool.co.za
We look forward to the continued success of the Electives Programme and to more exciting subjects being added, thereby giving the boys of DHS more choices.
We thank the staff of DHS, Mr Adam in particular, and the outside facilitators for the hard work they put into the programme.
Electives Corner – Miniature Painting
Miniature Painting was recently started at DHS as an Elective. This is fun way to spend your time as the end product will always bring a smile to your face as you know deep down inside it’s a master piece.
What you need – patience, creativity, visualisation skills (which can be learnt).
The process – building a miniature can take 1-1½ hours. Depending how detailed or perfect you want your miniature to look decides how long it takes; however, to paint it should take you a few days to a few weeks. Some tools are required such a mould line remover and a craft knife.
The miniatures can vary in size from small to large and there are many steps from start to finish. Before painting your miniature you have to decide what look you are trying to create; you could go for a reptile look or even a strangely coloured body.  It’s your miniature, what you want is what you get, colour it to your liking. Think of it as pouring your ideas and creativity onto a small plastic model.
If you missed out on the opportunity to join the miniature painting elective, don’t worry you can join in the second semester and then you can have just as much fun as your friends.
Storm von Mollendorf
Grade 9
Miniature Painting (3)Miniature Painting (1)Miniature Painting (6)

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