With an early start to the year, a long term has concluded. The release of the 2018 NSC results in January 2019 reflected excellent achievements from the boys who were committed to their academics and poor results from boys who lacked focus. We welcomed 202 new Grade 8 boys into the school brotherhood; they have certainly settled in well and have already made a positive contribution to the ethos of the school. They are also enjoying the benefits of many projects that have been completed this term.
The technology within the school has been extensively upgraded, as mentioned in previous articles, providing a more efficient and safer environment for the boys.
We also held the official opening of the Nonpareil classroom extensions, as well as the upgrade of the Cricket High Performance Centre. We thank all our sponsors for their contributions. The demand for the Nonpareil Academy has exceeded expectations and we already face the dilemma of high demand for next year.
The tertiary institution of NewBridge, based on our campus on the corner of St Thomas and Essenwood Road, also opened their doors this term. Their forward thinking approach to Higher Education certainly dovetails with many of our progressive initiatives and we look forward to their future success.
Our Electives programme saw some new electives added to the programme. This continues to provide wonderful extension opportunities for our boys.
It certainly has been a busy term in all spheres of school life and it is pleasing to see continued improvement in the various extra-curricular activities. Special mention needs to be made of our Chess team, entering its third year of an unbeaten run. This has culminated in their success at the prestigious Grey College Chess Tournament recently, where they were crowned National School Champions, competing against all the top schools.
Despite all our successes, the most pleasing aspect for me, and that which makes me most proud, is to see the gentlemanly conduct, behaviour and appearance of our boys at all times. The numerous compliments from members of the public testifies to this. Our country needs positive role-models and we have them in abundance.
It is on this note that we say goodbye to two staff members, who themselves have been wonderful role-models to the boys. Mr Tony Liddell, our IT teacher, is leaving us to lecture at tertiary level; and Old Boy, Mr Scott Mathie, who has certainly resurrected our rugby, as well as teaching History, is leaving us to join the world of professional rugby coaching. These two gentlemen will be sorely missed. I wish them both success in their future endeavours and I wish all members of the DHS family a safe and relaxing holiday.
A D Pinheiro
15th Head Master