Electives Programme 2020

DIY (9) Elective
On Monday 3 January the 2020 Elective programme will begin.
The past two weeks has given the boys the opportunity to find out about all the wonderful electives we are offering this year.
It has also given those wanting to enrol in the Sports Academies an opportunity to experience the level of coaching the academies will offer and how it can take their sport to the next level.
In 2020 we have added a number of exciting new electives to entice the boys and help them develop skills required for their future. Behind the scenes we have been working very hard to develop relationships with outside organisations which enable us to offer certified courses that are relevant, and at the same time offer courses that are affordable for our boys.
Exciting new additions include The Principles of Flight Course, which allows boys the opportunity to complete a number of modules that are required to complete a commercial pilot’s licence. Focus Air have partnered with us to offer this fantastic course for anybody interested in following a career in the aviation industry.
The Hilton Hotel Group will be offering a passport to success course for our boys. This course involves an introduction to the hospitality industry as well as a strong element of social entrepreneurship. It also provides a work experience at the Hilton Hotel Durban. Boys who complete the course will be accredited with a certificate which has a global accreditation.
Newbridge College will also be offering a new Digital Citizenship and Web development course that will give our boys a better understanding of how to develop and thrive in a digital world. Once again this is an accredited course that boys can add to their portfolio.
These three courses are just a few of the new and existing courses that provide invaluable opportunities for DHS boys to further their knowledge and get excited about learning a new skill.
We hope all boys embrace this opportunity to develop themselves further. It is indeed and exciting time to be attending DHS.
For more information on the Electives Programme please visit our website:
For more information on the various courses on offer and to register, please visit the website:
Or follow the links from our website home page:

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