We have now entered a new phase with the State President’s announcement that we are moving to Alert Level 1 as of Sunday, 20 September 2020. This reflects a decrease in Covid-19 related transmissions throughout the country. Over the next week or so, we will receive more specific information as to how this will impact the Educational sector. As always, we believe we are well prepared to deal with any adjustments as required of us.
At this time, I need to commend the DHS community for their resilience and support shown over the past six months. We have adapted to a very different reality and I have been immensely proud of our parents, boys and staff through these times. The attendance of our boys and staff at school has been outstanding. I encourage the few boys who have stayed away, due to co-morbidities, to now return to school as we edge closer to the end of the year and year-end assessments.
Whilst receiving work on G-suite has assisted through these tough times, it never compensates for the value of the classroom experience. We need our boys back at school and back into a routine. Their interaction with their friends, classmates and educators is invaluable at an emotional and psychological level. I remind our boys though, that we do not compromise on our values or expectations, so I expect them to look like DHS Gentlemen and behave like DHS Gentlemen.
Our Matrics are well into their Trial Examinations and I wish them all the best. You are by now aware that Thursday, 24 September is a Public Holiday, when we celebrate Heritage Day. Normally, the Friday would have been declared a School Holiday, but this year has not reflected that. Whilst I realize the irony of my earlier plea for our boys to attend school, we have decided to have our Grades 8 – 11 boys take Friday as a school holiday, therefore allowing for a long weekend. This allows families to take a long weekend trip if required, and allows our staff to recharge their batteries for the long haul of the rest of the year. It also allows us to deep clean all classrooms on Friday, 25 September 2020. The relevant Matrics will still attend school, as they write a Provincial Physical Sciences exam on this day.
Our roles as parents has never been more important. Our cause is a noble one, reflected in the following quotes:
“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”
– Frederick Douglas
“Children are educated by what the grown-up is, and not by their talk.”
– Carl Jung
And on a lighter note,
“Most children threaten at times to run away from home. This is the only thing that keeps some parents going.”
– Phyllis Diller
Keep healthy.
Keep safe.
Deo Fretus.
Head Master