Grade 8s Start their DHS Journey

On Tuesday 2 February 2021, the new Grade 8 boys walked through the DHS gate for the first time in their high school career.

Some were very excited to start their journey at our school, and understandably others were a little anxious with the uncertainty of being in a completely new environment. Some of the anxiety also stemmed from the fact that our country and most parts of the world had just eased the Covid-19 pandemic regulations.

The Grade 8 induction programme had to be undertaken differently from previous years in order to ensure that the boys were safe and protected during their stay at school. Strict measures in accordance with the national Covid-19 protocol were therefore put in place; the boys were screened at they walked through the gates, had to keep their masks on at all times, and sanitise their hands when needed. This process was followed throughout the induction programme.

The boys were also split into two groups to reduce the number of people indoors and outdoors. The blue group was involved with indoor (admin/workshops) activities in the first week of the induction programme, and the gold group was involved with outdoor (sports) activities.

At the conclusion of the week, the groups were swapped around so that they could all experience and enjoy both activities.

The Prefect body gave up a week of their holiday time and to assist the Grade 8 boys with the first experience of being at DHS. Their involvement in the induction programme went beyond the call of duty and we are grateful for their commitment.

The boys concluded their two week long induction programme by attending the Bell Ringing Ceremony on 12 February 2021. The Van Heerden rugby field was buzzing with enthusiasm from the newly inducted Grade 8 boys, DHS staff, the Prefects, and the RCL members.

The parents of the boys had the pleasure of witnessing this ceremony via our online platform on DHS-TV as they could not attend the ceremony due to the Covid-19 protocols.

This 155 year old reputable school on the Berea always treats this special occasion with dignity and pride; the boys mark the moment of their arrival by striking the bell; a poignant moment for them all; the Prefects then assist the Grade 8 boys to put on their blazers to signify the start of their journey through this great School. These gestures solidify the ethos of brotherhood between the juniors and the seniors.

Traditionally, Mr Pinheiro (Head Master) and Mr Goodwin (Deputy Head Master) greet the new boys by shaking their hands thus ensuring them that they are indeed part of this great school, however, this year the now familiar nudge of the elbows welcomed them.

May the 2021 Grade 8s’ next five years be filled with the joy of fulfilling all their desired high school goals in academics, sports, cultural and leadership potential.

Mr SW Cele
Head of Grade 8

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