Durban High School Old Boys News

If life was normal, last weekend would have been our Founders weekend. Despite the restrictions of COVID, several Old Boys managed to celebrate their special reunions at School on Thursday 27 May in several small groups, these being the years of 1971 (50 years), 1981 (40 years), 2001 (30 years) and 2011 (10 years).

The events were organised and hosted by Mr Andrew Shedlock, CEO of the DHS Foundation Trust. Mr Shedlock said “It was an honour for me to host these celebrations at School. It was great to catch up with so many Old Boys and to see them enjoying their time together and sharing their many fond memories of their time at DHS.”

The DHS Foundation Trust held a hugely successful Golf Day at Mt Edgecombe Club on the following day, Friday 28 May 2021.

The response to the Golf Day from DHS Old Boys and friends was so overwhelming that both golf courses, were booked up with a maximum field of 30 four balls. A big thank you to all the golfers who supported the day, without their participation such days cannot go ahead. Grateful thanks go to Trellidor, the main sponsor, for their generous support, and to all the other sponsors who contribute to the success of the day.

Last, but not least a very warm thank you to Liezl Basson and the DHS Moms’ Com for all their hard work preparing for and on the day.

Congratulations to prominent DHS Old Boy, Stephen Saad, was recently presented with the Knight of the French National Order of Merit by the French President Emmanuel Macron. This is in recognition of his role in the developing economic relations between France and South Africa, and his lifelong commitment to initiatives to benefit underprivileged communities globally.


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