From the Head’s Desk : 4 March 2022

The game of life has two participants, players and spectators, pick one!
– Unknown

This is a constant message being conveyed to the boys of Durban High School. The gift of being able to determine your future through the multitude of opportunities on offer at DHS is something of which we are extremely proud. The examples set by many successful Old Boys, across the business, sporting and cultural sectors, is truly inspiring for a young man. To know that he too will leave his footprints in the rich history of DHS is a privilege.

At DHS we know that we are different and we celebrate this fact unashamedly. It is this difference that makes a DHS boy unique in a world where the value of a school leaver’s certificate has become diluted. To receive a DHS boy into a place of work, or an institution of study, means that you will have an individual who has lived the school mission statement of “producing gentlemen of character” for the duration of his stay at School. His behaviour has been driven by values and not by a Code of Conduct. His academic achievement has been to the standards set by the Head Master, which far exceeds the expectation as determined by the Education Department. He has had exposure to various certified Elective courses that he has been able to attend through Grades 8 to 11. He has had an extra four hours tuition per week in his Matric year across the major subjects. He has had opportunities to develop his cultural flair in the world class Chris Seabrooke Music Centre or the Seabrooke Theatre. He has had the benefit of a diverse sports programme underpinned by world class coaching staff.

We are proud of the fact that DHS produces the players in the game of life and not the spectators.

 G Goodwin
Deputy Head Master 


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