Community Service

Community Engagement

Domino Sandwich Making Project:
On Tuesday, 8 March 2022 our Community Engagement boys made and donated sandwiches to the Domino Foundation to assist in their feeding scheme. We would like to thank all parents/ guardians for donating all the items used for this event. There was much excitement and a very good team spirit maintained by all boys who participated. Many thanks to all staff who assisted in supporting our boys to make this event a success.

Open Air School Partnership:
We are so proud to have continued our partnership with Open Air School and we are grateful for each moment shared with the teachers and learners. When asked by one of their teachers what their favourite day of the week was, the learners at Open Air School replied it was Wednesday when their DHS brothers come to visit them! And it is the highlight of our boys’ week as well. Their time together, although short, is very precious indeed. The teachers at Open Air School have also expressed their gratitude for the support and assistance during lessons and hope to continue this partnership as the benefits for both DHS and Open Air School are immense.

Community Service

Beach Clean-Up:
On 19 March 2022, a beautiful Saturday morning at the Durban Country Club Beach, a group of our boys assisted KZN Beach Clean-up in a major clean-up event – a very gruelling morning, but much fun was had keeping our beautiful Durban Beach clean and in good condition for all to enjoy! A huge thank you to Ms Hamilton and Mr Surtees for assisting and motivating our boys!

Rugby Boys Retirement Home Visit:
On 23 March 2022 a group of our senior Rugby boys headed to the Ocean View Retirement Home (TAFTA) in Musgrave for an afternoon of interaction with the residents. The focus for this project was life skills development aimed at assisting our boys to learn more about life through experienced members of society, and way in which to cope with adversity and challenges faced in life. The boys were put into groups and spent time with selected residents, who were asked to share important life lessons focused on their life and background, a story of a time when they displayed resilience and courage and the most important lesson they have learnt in their life.

The residents were also treated to a song performed by the boys and were delighted to have shared in such a memorable afternoon in which they could reminisce about their own lives and impart to our boys the gems of their wisdom and life experience.

We hope to continue our partnership with the residents at Ocean View Retirement Home (TAFTA) and look forward to hosting them at our school in the future! We would like to express our gratitude to each of the residents for their openness in sharing their life stories and advice and welcoming our boys so warmly.


  • Stationery and desks donated to Mayville Secondary School:
  • Thank you to all staff who donated to CHOC’s annual Flip Flop Day this past February 2022. Our staff managed to raise R 1,830.00 for CHOC Childhood Cancer Foundation SA. This donation will go a long way to keep more than hope alive and make a difference in the lives of children, teenagers, and their families, who had no choice to be fighting the battle of childhood cancer and life-threatening blood disorders.

Ms G Joshua
Community Service

Domino Sandwich Marking Project
Open Air School
Open Air School
Beach Clean-Up
Senior Rugby Boys at Tafta
Senior Rugby Boys at Tafta
Head Prefect, Owen Morgenrood, with one of the residents, Mr Shapiro, an Old Boy (Class of 1960) at Tafta; he and his brother played for the 1st XV team in 1923! Mr Shapiro’s brother-in-law and Father also were DHS Old Boys!

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