Founders Day 2022

What an Occasion!

Who would have thought that our humble beginnings as a two roomed building in Smith Street, built by William Hartley (Mayor at the time) and founded by a Scotsman, Mr Robert Russell, would have developed into the institution that Durban High School is today – an institution that we all cherish and love.

On 1 June 1866 Mr Russell, our first Head Master, enrolled the first ever class of DHS scholars – a total of 7 boys! With so much changing over our proud 156-year history, one thing has always remained the same … DHS was known as School then, and is proudly still known today as School!

This year’s festivities began on the Thursday 26 May with the Reunions of the years of 1972, 1982, 1992, 2002 and 2012. Unfortunately, the DHS Foundation Golf Day had to be postponed due to damage to the Mt Edgecombe course caused by the floods, however, thanks to the efforts of Mt Edgecombe Club, the years of 1982, 1992 and 2002 were still able to play golf. A great day was had by all. The evening finished off with dinner and prize giving at MECC whilst the year of 1979/1980 celebrated their Reunions at School.

The First Bill Payn Fun Run:

Founders Day on Saturday 28 May 2022 started off with the first ever Bill Payn Run, from Crusaders Club in Durban North to DHS.  The fun run was held to celebrate our Founders Day and to commemorate the late Bill Payn’s iconic Comrades Marathon 100 years ago.

The runners set off from Crusaders Club in Durban at 06h30 on route to DHS. The rules were very simple, runners must start, run, and finish in their team of four. The runners enjoyed a short stop at halfway, with the team leader in true Bill Payn fashion having to drink down a “refreshment”. The finish was through the EG Jansen Gate in Essenwood Road. The first team home and winners of the Bill Payn Memorial Trophy were the “Truly DHS” Team lead Old Boy Roger Westbrook. The runners then enjoyed an egg and bacon roll and coffee at the finish.

On behalf of the DHS Foundation and CEO Mr Andrew Shedlock, thanks to all the runners who supported the run and looking forward to next year.

Later in the day, DHS hosted Westville in Rugby and Hockey fixtures. Prior to the 1st XV game, Old Boys and friends relaxed in the Hall and Memorial Courtyard with a boerewors roll/curry and rice and a refreshment. The Class of 1962 attended their Reunion of the Class of 1962.

Old Boy, Gavin Varejes, presented the 1st team players with their jerseys for the game. Mr Varejes also brought with him two Springbok and World Cup winning players, Elton Jantjies and Herschel Jantjies, to enjoy the day with us.

The DHS 1st XV then proceeded to beat Westville 33-23! After being 16-7 down at half time, the 1st XV were phenomenal in the second half, with their second half score being 26-7 to School, resulting in a final result of 33-23.

After the Rugby everyone gathered in the Memorial Courtyard and were entertained by Blarney & Son, relaxing, catching up with friends and enjoying a great evening.

This Founders Day was one of the most successful of recent times. From the weather, to the crowd, to the results! The crowds and support were one of the biggest Van Heerden’s has witnessed in years and we could not be prouder of the turnout from our DHS Family and Old Boys.

Well done to the school management and staff for a magnificent day, the school looked immaculate, the boys’ manners were impeccable, and all the games were played in great spirit.

Deo Fretus!









































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