President’s Award Camp
The mission of the President’s Award is to empower young people between the ages of 14 and 24, enabling them to become responsible active citizens within their communities.
There are three award levels, namely Bronze, Silver and Gold.
Recently, no less than 21 of our Grade 9,10 and 11 learners participated in the President’s Award outdoor event which is one of the prerequisites required for a participant to receive his or her Bronze Level status.
Thank you to both Ms Nagiah and Ms Henley for being such incredible ambassadors of this program.
21 Grade 9-11 learners participated in the President’s Award outdoor event which took place in October 2022. One of the activities they are required to complete is a 24km hike and an overnight outdoor camp-out. Burman Bush Scout Camp was chosen as the ideal venue. The young men planned their camp, the hiking route, meals and all other activities.
The cool, cloudy morning on the first day proved ideal for our long urban hike through Durban North. The refreshing Virginia Beach was the halfway mark, where we stopped for a brief lunch break. Chats, jokes and ice-cream breaks diverted the focus from the tired legs. The walk over Riverside bridge was exciting as we were on the home stretch. At the end of Day 1, the distance covered was 21km ie, a half marathon.
Supper was a trip to Britannia Hotel for their famous Bunny chow. The night ended with a huge bonfire, board-games and a concert.
Day 2 started with an early morning hike in the nature reserve, which completed more than the 24km the boys needed for this task. Our boys were praised highly by all the people they encountered.’
Congratulations to all involved and well done for holding the DHS Flag high when you all encountered members of the public. Once again, thank you to both Ms Nagiah and Ms Henley for creating such a amazing experience for the boys.
Poetry Mic Competition
DHS hosted its first Open Mic competition for Poetry on 4 November 2022 in the Seabrooke Theatre.
Six schools participated – DHS, Maris Stella, Curro Morningside, Our Lady of Fatima, Mowat Park, Brettonwood and Pinetown Girls’.
27 learners presented their poetry to a full theatre of learners, teachers and parents. All participants are to be congratulated on a sterling performance, especially given the sensitivity of the topics that were highlighted through this amazing platform called POETRY. Well done and continue striving for excellence!
The judges had their work cut out and deliberated for a long time before settling on the winners:
Best original poem: Alexis Holomisa
Best Slam poetry: Dean Govindrajulu
Best emerging poet: Thembeka Mvula
Thank you to Ms Ngobese and Mr Herd for all their efforts in ensuring a successful event!
Chess Inter-House Tournament
The Inter-House Chess tournament recently took place at School.
The Blitz tournament kicked off with Langley winning the first round. Thereafter Grice took the lead. From the fourth round onwards, Swales dominated the board and surged on to win the tournament.
The results were as follows:
1st – Swales (David Snyman and Tristan Frank)
2nd – Grice (Kearan Naidoo and Shivay Munien)
3rd – Langley (Rehan Joseph and Sumeshan Kisten)
4th – Blackmore
5th – Payn
6th – Campbell
CSMC 6th Birthday
The DHS Chris Seabrooke Music Centre celebrated its 6th birthday in October.
In true style, Ms Rungan, our Director of Music, put together a wonderful concert evening to celebrate the Music Centre, attended by parents, staff, and award-winning Jazz musicians. A huge thank you to Chris Seabrooke for his continued support of the music programme at DHS.
The vision for the Chris Seabrooke Music Centre is not only to benefit the cultural life of DHS, but additional plans are in place to grow music education and arts in the community at large. Serving the community is a crucial part of the development of DHS boys into well-rounded young men. The music cultural groups and music boys are therefore taken out regularly to events that serve the community surrounding the School, sharing both their talents and time. We are looking forward to seeing this Department grow from strength to strength.
The highly successful SISONKE variety concert featuring dance, drama, prose, poetry, music and vocals was held in September 2022.
This barnyard style event embraced our cultural diversity through a myriad of different performances. The packed house was blown away by our super talented performers. All acts were judged by Old Boys Blessing Xaba and Yesheen Bhagwandeen, as well as the highly talented musician Tim Gunther.
The winners were as follows:
Best Dramatic Performance – Connor Rixon
Best Performer in Drama – Ikho MdleleniA tie for best solo vocalist – Ethan Pillay and Unaye Mndau
Best Musical Ensemble – The Grade 12 band
Best Performance – DHS Jazz Band
Best Dance – The Teachers (Girls having fun)
Thank you to all for putting on the most fantastic show. It truly was loved by all!