
October 7, 2019
Congratulations to the following young men who have been appointed as Prefects for 2020: Head Prefect – Quincy Hitler Deputy Head Prefects – Avumile Bongco and Brian Dosemba Prefects: Mu’aaz Bassa Sandise Cezula Sinakhokonke Dhlomo Nqobani Dlamini Benjamin Hulett Azhar Karolia Fuzail Khalil Sithembiso Khubeka Grant Khuzwayo Sonqoba Makhanya Kwanele Manukuza Muhammad Moosa Dylan Morgenrood Ntando Mpuqa Awande...
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MEMORIAL HALL 1919 – 2019 PART 4 by Jeremy Oddy The attack on the original dome at the entrance to the building was not the only modification to the edifice. The two sets of brick stairs on either side of the Hall were removed, and those entrances were enclosed. The stage was removed but not...
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Maritzburg College celebrated their 60th edition of Michaelmas Week this year and it was again a privilege to be part of this prestigious Cricket Festival. DHS attended their 59th Michaelmas Week this year which is an achievement in itself. Michaelmas Week must be one of the toughest Cricket Festivals in South Africa and there is...
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The DHS U16 Water Polo Tournament was held over the period 26-29 September. Originally, we had received 20 positive responses but unfortunately, we had three late withdrawals from Kearsney, Reddam Umhlanga and Pearson from Port Elizabeth. We were still fortunate to attract the powerhouses of water polo from around SA. The pool matches were all...
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Durban High School is proud to have hosted the annual U14 Charl van Rooyen Cricket Festival, which was held from 21 to 24 September. It was a privilege to host this Festival, which is hosted by a different school each year. The first U14 Cricket Festival was held at Kearsney College in 1996, the brainchild...
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THE OLD MEMORIAL HALL 1919-2019 (Part 3) by Chess Sagnelli DHS MEDIA CENTRE As a former pupil (1970-1974) and whilst serving on the Governing Body of DHS in the 1990’s as an advisory on the buildings and the property of DHS. The Projects committee headed by Don Spiers came up with the vision to unlock...
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U16A Match Report This was a match that shone brightly for the future of DHS Softball, and the quality of all round DHS men. This year the U16A DHS Softball side was placed in the B league and dominated every team that they played. DHS won the U16 B league for the first time in...
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THE OLD MEMORIAL HALL 1919-2019 (Part 2) by Jeremy Oddy (Class of 1962) The New Hall of 1919, a magnificent structure, was the centre of attraction to the general public, and of course its neo-classical, late 18th century style reviving the precision and symmetry of Rome and Greece, reinforced Head Master Langley’s mission to educate...
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We are very proud of our Art boys who excelled in the recent Matric Art Practical examinations, with a very high number of A symbols awarded. Below are a few photos of the work they produced which was displayed in the form of an exhibition for the Department of Education markers. Congratulations to the boys...
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